Sunday, June 29, 2014

Rabbit for dinner.

Lets just get the questions cleared in your mind:

Yes, it tasted like chicken.
No, I did not puke.
Yes, I wanted to puke.
Yes, It was not boneless.
Yes, After one bite I lost my appetite.

Now that thats cleared, lets go over some science. If you feed a deer different weeds over the year the  flavor will be gamy. Yes it will absorb all the nutrition in such weeds. And the same thing with a cow: If all it was fed until the day it was slottered (Howerver you spell that) was milk, then it's steak would be very fatty and tender. This is what a rabbit does with it's food:

When Rabbits eat there food they then poop a wet poop out. But then, they eat that wet poop to get the nutrition they missed the first time. After they poop the poop out, they poop a dry poop. That poop they do not eat.

Yes, If mom had just told me it was chicken I would be MUCH, MUCH happier.

One day I'm A Smoothie splasher, Next day I'm a Rabbit regurgitater.

What is WRONG with me?!

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! I like the part about the poop (it made me laugh) I don't think you should talk about that in public though… I also ate rabbit and yes it was all of the things you said. I am glad mom said we are never eating that again THANKFULLY! Love your blog. You have great potential to become an author… Love, Macy!
