Monday, February 24, 2014

Guilty dog.

A few weeks ago Bishop tore up his bed soooo much he now doesn't get one. Bad dog! Sooo, today he was strangely acting guilty. It reminded me of that time. He covered his face up with his paws!

                                                              A FEW WEEKS AGO

(Ollie) "Bye Reagan! See you later! where ever your going. Bye! Bye! I'll make sure I'll stalk the dog for you!"   SLAM! "Okay, good. She's gone. Now to fulfill my promise. And do my hobby. And lick. Na, na, na, Na, na, na, down the stairs I go!"
                                         SAME TIME I'M LEAVING (But with the dog)

(Bishop) "Bye Reagan! See you later! Why didn't I get to go to the barn with you? Bye! Bye! I'll stalk the cat for you!" SLAM! "Okay, good. She's gone. But I never said I forgave her! And I'm angry. And she will pay. I wanted to go to the barn! So, I will tare up my bed to show my un-pleasure."

(Ollie) "Oh, no you won't dog! I'll tell on you! You'll be the one to pay! I"m going upstairs now. I'm exhausted. I'm now tired of stalking."

(Bishop) "Yum! Yum! Yum! Oooh, I've found the core of my bed! The stuffing! The best part! I'm starting to feel guilty though. maybe I should stop. Buuuuuuuuuuut... I'll just keep eati-"
                                                       DING DONG!
There back!"

(Ollie) "Reagan! Reagan! Help! Help! The dog! The dog! you must see..."

(Me) "What is it ollie? Huh? Huh?"

(Ollie) "Oh, forget it. You always never let me finish."

(Mom) "Oh, BISHOP! What did you do to your bed! It's awful! ANDREW! GET IN HERE!"

(Bishop) "I'm sorry momma! Please forgive me! I didn't mean anything. IT WAS THE CAT!"

(Me) "C'mon Bish. We know it was you. Bad boy."

                                 sometimes cats are more loyal than dogs.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hello, My name is Buddy. My best friend is Blue, and my favorite drink is beer. My favorite food is peppermint.

I have a horse named Buddy. I love him. He is black. At the barn, there is a horse named Blue and one named Phoenix. Buddy's best friend is Blue. Bishop and Buddy are funny together. Especially when we bring the horses in.

"MMMMMMM! Is that sweet feed I smell? It smells GOOD. Me! Me! Bring me in first!" Buddy says.
"No, Buddy. Not that stall. The other one. RRRRUFFF! Bark! Bark!" Bishop is saying.
"Hold on dog. I know which stall is mine. Move." (Buddy is a smart elic)
"YIKES!" Bishop seems like he knows best, but when the horses get near him, he runs away like a chicken.

HELLO! My name is Bishop. LICK!!!!!

My name is Buddy! Got treats?

I am buddy's friend Blue. I want attention too, you know.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ha, ha on you! So I'm not the only one!

The other day while I was at Myla and Gigi's house, dad fell down seven steps. He counted. He also was wearing socks. And this is where I say, "I told you not to where socks! I even posted it on my blog! Listen to my advice! Well, ha ha on you. I told you." So I'm not the only one. You should've seen his bruise. It Looks nothing like a bruise. It looks like black paper taped onto his sides. It's disgusting.

To shelby.

I have a really good friend named shelby. She has a blog too. Her last post said "Valentines day". She asked what it was about. Here is what valentines day is about:

Some dude did something for love and got his head chopped off. He became a saint. Sometimes your boyfriend brings you candy. So on valentines day everyone passes out candy. Forgive me for saying this. I hate candy. And I don't hate valentines day, but I really dislike it. So there.

Spending the night!

Allright. To tell you how I spent the night. Apparently, I was spending the night so my mom and dad could have a nice, kid-free, anniversary. I don't blame you. We are a hand-full. Anywho, This is how my nights were. Spending the night is a lot of fun, except when it's time to sleep. You are not in your own, quiet bed. And all night long someone is snoring. Than you see a light all night long and it drives you crazy. But, The good things are you get to see your cousins. There are three stations usually when you spend the night. The first station is what your doing. The second station is what your pets are doing. The third station is what your parents are doing. They usually have the best results.

Me: "I am fed up with unpacking! I didn't realize I got this much stuff. "

Pets: (Bishop) "Oliver! Oliver! wanna play? huh? huh? do you? What about chase!" (Oliver) "NO! I Don't wanna play chase! I wanna lick!" (Simon) "You two always argue. MMMRROWW! HISSSS! BISHOP! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?!!!!! DON'T TOUCH ME!" (Bishop) "Let's play chase! I love chase!" (Oliver) "NO chase! I told you I don't like chase. YIKES! Why are you chasing me? I'm gonna tell Reagan on you!"

Mom & dad: (Dad) "This movie is great!" (mom) "Honey, were having steak for dinner." (Dad) "Sounds good!"

Me: (Me) "Soooo, Myla. What's aunt Kim fixing for dinner?" (Myla) "Buffalo chicken egg muffins!"
(Me) "Oookayyy, sounds weird, I mean good! Yes, that sounds disgusting, delightful!"
(Aunt Kim has a recipe book of CRAZY concoctions. But there actually delicious!)

Pets: (Oliver) "Please don't eat my food. And I mean it, dog!"

Mom & dad: (Mom) "Oh, look at the snow." (Dad) "Yes, It's beautiful."    

Friday, February 14, 2014

NO Valentines.

Yesterday was good and awful. I forgot valentines for All my friends. And I felt bad, Cause I'm gettin' valentines and I can't GIVE any. But, it was fun. Ooh, I forgot to tell you! I'm leaving to go spend the night with my cousins! Poor gigi (My cousin) . I made a valentine for myla and a present and I havent had time to make her one. Here is a special message to Gigi: "You are a great cousin and I love you just as much as anybody I love more than chocolate (I love chocolate ALOT). I won't be able to write for the next three days. Oliver always misses me. But I wonder what he does when I'm gone.

"Ooh, good. She's gone." (He pulls out a secret list) "Now I can jump on the counter and use her closet as a litter box! Also, I think i'll drink her water."

Monday, February 10, 2014

The art of meeping

Macy has this thing. She likes to go up to people and chant the words "Meep". It is like a sacred secret language her and her friend share. Earlier this morning, she was teaching me how to speak it. I will teach you all i know. The first thing she showed me was names in meep language. "I am meepo, you are meeplee, And your friend is meeper." She explained. I didn't understand a word she said, but just nodded. Than she sang "What does the fox say" in meep language. It is "Meep, meep, meep, meep meep" I wanted to say "I think that is terrible" I tried to think of a word for "Think" and I came up with Dink. "Meeplee dink 'ku meep meep" I said. Macy cracked up. I don't know why. "ha, ha!" She said. "Dink means poop!" I stared at her. Did I mention that I do not like potty humor? I wanted a different name than Meeplee. I just scoured my brain for an odd name. "What about Meepfolia?" I asked. "Thats tree-stump." she said. "Meepoleia" I said. "No, silly. Thats not even a word in the meet language." she said. "How do you say 'I think that is terrible' ?" "Meeply meep meep meep meep." Apparently, Any word you want to say is just meep. This is what I learned:
*Don't make up a meep word. Just say meep and you won't end up saying anything weird.
*Don't say dink.
*If you are not Macy, than your name is meeply and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
*Meep, meep, meep, meep. (Translation: I need to learn more.)
*Meepeoygk (I had NO idea what I just said. Hopefully it was something good.)

Friday, February 7, 2014

"Reagan, Get your things ready 'cause we're going to the V-E-T. Don't tell ollie."

The vet. The worst words a cat could hear. Today we went there. Ollie was FREAKING out. He was screaming in the car. And when he got his shots, he was probably cussing. This is what he probably was saying:
"Don't push me in that carrier. Oh, DON'T PUSH ME IN THAT CARRIER I SAID! Don't zip me up! Yikes! Why am I being lifted to the car?! STEPS! Oh, STEPS! Please don't put me in the car, oh please don't. What did I ever do to you? I Like this house. I Think I'll stay here. Oh no, not the gas and the steering wheal combination! Run! Why am I yelling run, I am in a closed in carrier. I can't run. Silly me. I'm safe here. Don't panic, Oliver. WHO am I kidding?! I'm Gonna DIE! DIE I said! I will DIE in here! Oh, I recognize this place. Its the vet. No worries, I've been here before. Wait, did I just say the vet?! VETTTT! VETTT! VETTTTTT! VETTTTT! There are dogs in here. Please don't make me go. Oh please. Why are they checking my wait? Are they trying to make me feel bad about myself after I went on my diet? Well, What is that round thing in your hand human? What do you think you are DOING? IT'S A PILL!  Gulp. You just shoved that thing down my mouth you do realize. And it did
NOT taste delightful. Is that pointy thingie for me? Why are you aiming that cat-killer sharp dinglehopper at me? YOOOUCH! That hurt! EEEK! My paws are killing me! Your making me cry. I Think all be going now. WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU PICKING ME UP?!!! WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU SHOVING ME INTO THIS CARRIER! PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I PUMP YOUR GUTS FULL OF TREATS!"
Oliver lost it.

Pizza, Pizza everywhere. Pizza Pizza in my hair! (No seriously. I have AWFUL table manners)

I am terrible at table manners. Mom says she always knows where I eat. I leave crumbs EVERYWHERE. I don't even chew with my mouth closed. Sometimes mom or dad will notice food in my hair or eyebrows. Now THATS embarrassing. Everyday I sit down to eat Macy or mommy point out the fact that I'm not chewing with my mouth closed. Apparently Helen Keller could not eat with table manners because she couldn't see or hear. I feel bad for her. Anywho, the worst thing is when mom calls me Hellen Keller. I am bad at table manners and that is just a fact.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Yay! School!

Today I'm in a much better mood than yesterday. And school was great. Plus tonight, all of moms side of the family are coming over to celebrate her and her sisters birthday. Family reunion! Only what do you know? I left my coat at school. But yay! It was last school day so I get to finally be warm! Here is ollie's response: "Great! Your back! I missed you! Because you coming back means what you humans call "Dinner". And "Dinner" means food! So when will you feed me? Plus also, I will lick. And sleep."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I don't know to call this post.

I am soooo sorry I couldn't write on my blog yesterday. It was my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday momma! We were gone the entire day... even though school was called out early. So, Ive started an acting class. It is fun. I've done acting before, But I wasn't able to show up at the actual play, because i had constipation so bad I had to go to the hospital. That was probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever gone through. Poor me. But this time it was actually fun! More acting and less going over the script. So that was today! Goodbye. (not very exiting or funny post. was it. I know, right?)

Monday, February 3, 2014


Right now I am watching Macy being quizzed on her addition. Good job Macy. Keep on being such an addition hero.
Now for science.
Does anyone know which two members of order Insectivora are poisonous?
Okey-dokey. Here is how to make a Styrofoam dove:
you will need one small styrofoam ball, and a larger one. You will also need a toothpick, a permanent marker, a small piece of white craft foam, scissors and craft glue.

1. Slide the large styrofoam ball onto the end of the toothpick, than slide the smaller one on top of it so it looks like a snowman.
2. Cut the craft foam piece into to small wings and glue it on the sides of the largest foam ball.
3. Color eyes and a beak on the smaller ball. Turn it sideways. Ta-da!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

I Hate Snow. (And sometimes i love it). Part II

But there are some good things, in part two,
Oh snow, good old you.
we sit by the fire, drinking hot choc-o-lat-e,
While our mom and our dad drink a hot'o latte.
We are all exited, sleding and all,
And we come in chanting, "I can'th feel my lipths ma'"
Sleeping all snuggly,
In our warm beds,
While visions of snow-days dance in our heads.
Let me make it simple,
The end will show,
Oh how I love snow.

I Hate Snow. (And sometimes I love it)

What happened to spring?
Was it all a dream?
Is summer nearby?
Winter, Summer is coming soon so bye-bye.
Ha, ha on you.
No more snow on my boots.
But wait just a second,
How could it be?
5 inches of snow,
And we're close to spring?
Yesterday was beautiful,
And delightful,
And today you ruin it quite mightyful.
Here is one thing, I go out to play,
Staring at the sun,
And it's rays,
I run outside, in my shorts,
And I come inside,
Freezing in ways of all sorts.
I'll make it simple,
Your 30 degrees below,
And some information to you,
I hate snow.

Golden gooses lay golden eggs. I lay bruise-colored eggs. And I have a bunch of them, too.

Steps. I hate steps. And sometimes dishwashers. (Sometimes I love them. I only hate them when I get goose-eggs). When you get a bump because you fell on something hard, It's called A goose-egg. I am not fond of them. Goose-eggs hurt. Oh, and let me tell you about the steps incident. If you want to know what a goose-egg is, follow along. You will get a goose-egg guaranteed.

1. I was wearing socks while rushing up the steps. BAD. very BAD, BAD, BAD Idea.
2. I was holding Oliver while in this process. I could not see what I was doing. (If you do not have an Oliver, Use a fluffy Oat box That is filled with rocks instead of Oats and has arms and legs. You can Find one at a grocery store. Only It's not usual you will see a fluffy oat box)
3. I was starting to wear down a little at the half-way process.
4. I slipped in my socks and smacked against the steps on my shins. (I got a goose-egg)
5. The next day I did the exact same thing. Only I was carrying chips. I hit the same spot where my goose-egg from day 1 was. (I screamed by the way).
6. A week went by. This time I was  actually being careful not to fall, believe it or not. And I wasn't holding anything. Or wearing socks. And I was going slow. I slipped. I hit the same spot. Owww. (I had a triple goose-egg Only I toughed it out).
7. This was the night Courtney came over. I did step 6 again. Only I ran into the other room to cry.
8. Today I was doing the dishes and the corner of the dishwasher hit me.
If you don't have a goose-egg by now, you need to see a doctor. Case-closed.  

Too late

Oh, my. Today I was happily chanting an old song, when I realized something. "Oh, no! I was too late. I forgot too Write on my blog." I'm very sorry. Please ignore the fact that it actually happened. Right before diner tonight, Momma left to go to the barn. I DIDN'T know she was leaving. I DIDN'T realize she was getting bundled up. I DIDN'T hear the four wheeler start. And I DID want to go. And boom! Just like that, dad told me, "Would you like to watch the super bowl while your moms gone?" "No! Oh No! She's going to the barn. Move!" I yelled to my-self. With a mouth stuffed with a snack of delightful salmon, I bolted to the door. "Wait!" I yelled, salmon spraying everywhere. I realized she was already gone. "I was too late" I said, very disappointed. And on my way up here, realizing I needed to write on my blog, While I was sprinting up the steps, Apparently Oliver wanted to come too. And Boom. I was too late once again. I wasn't sprinting fast enough, And he ran right into me. I didn't reach the steps in time. I am like mom. I am late. Hang in there momma, next time I won't be mad at you for being late. And one more thing, I thing Oliver thought he was dreaming When Salmon sprayed everywhere.